The transition to a low-carbon power generation system is a complex process that requires a combination of optimizing existing assets, technological advancements, policy support, and incentives.
SysEne brings decades of experience uncovering energy efficient low-carbon measures in power generation and heavy industry to deliver innovative approaches for tackling these challenges in any power generation facility. SysEne’s technical team will analyze the current energy consumption profile to compare with industry trends and equipment specifications and determine the carbon emissions profile for the facility.
Once the baseline analysis is complete, SysEne typically recommends a site visit by senior engineering personnel with a focus on key equipment and interviews with operations, maintenance, and engineering personnel to identify and validate potential energy and emissions reductions opportunities. From pre-heating turbine fuel gas and optimizing turbine staging to improving inlet air ducting efficiency, to identifying opportunities for variable speed drives on auxiliar pumps and fans, SysEne engineers have the experience and background to identify and cost achievable measures that to have a material impact on increasing efficiency and reducing emissions.