SysEne’s expert team brings decades of experience uncovering GHG emissions reduction measures and delivering innovative approaches for tackling decarbonization.
SysEne will review historical energy and emissions data to determine the GHG emissions profile for each facility and in aggregate, ideally with key site personnel involved. SysEne can then identify the economic and reduction impact of the measures for implementation in a phased or prioritized manner with consultation from corporate and site personnel.
SysEne engineers boast an extensive repository of real-world case study data encompassing a diverse array of equipment and end-uses typical in heavy industrial processes. Our experience ranges from analyzing different comminution methods in mining to deciphering the intricate thermodynamics of gas compression in the oil and gas sector. With this unique skillset and wealth of experience, we are equipped to devise innovative solutions aimed at decarbonizing processes.
SysEne can then map out over the life of the assets what GHG emissions reductions are feasible under different scenarios, and how much they would cost to implement. SysEne will ensure the plan improves the efficiency and competitiveness of the business as a whole while meeting the desired corporate targets.