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Power Generation

Energy and Carbon Assessment

SysEne was contracted by a major multinational to benchmark and develop optimization measures for a gas turbine power generation facility totalling over 500 MW of installed capacity.


Reduction in GHG emissions


Emissions Reduction Measures

912.6 GWh/yr

Increased generation

8 months

Average simple payback period
exterior view of power plant during site assessment

Power Generation Assessment

The SysEne team carried out a comprehensive evaluation of the facility’s historical records, operations, and equipment. Coupling these observations with existing process data, they were able to establish a baseline profile for the facility’s energy usage and GHG emissions.


During a site visit, senior engineers meticulously inspected the operations and equipment in action and had in-depth discussions with the operations and maintenance staff. Following this groundwork, potential strategies for reducing energy costs and GHG emissions were identified and benchmarked against similar facilities to gauge their effectiveness. Measures evaluated ranged from improving the sequencing of unit operations to identifying and replacing damaged burner nozzles, and optimizing the efficiency of inlet air ductwork.

Finally, from the range of identified measures, the list was streamlined and refined to highlight the seven most economically feasible and effective solutions resulting in the identification of close to 50% in potential GHG Emissions reductions.

They caught our attention because they presented themselves to be knowledgeable in the subject areas and have experience in relevant fields.

Energy Site Manager

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